MST presents:
Feedthroughs for your Implant

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Feedthroughs for your Implant

Hermetic feedthroughs play a critical role in the functionality and safety of implantable medical devices by ensuring the hermeticity of the metal implant housing, while providing electrical connections for stimulations, sensing and connectivity.
Join our webinar for an in-depth look at the core of this critical technology. We will explore the importance of feedthroughs as the central interface element within implants, describe the essential manufacturing steps, and highlight what customers can expect when partnering with MCT as their feedthrough supplier.

In this informative session, you will gain invaluable insight into the critical role of hermetic feedthroughs and how they contribute to the functionality and safety of life-enhancing medical implants.
Dr. Jutta Müntjes
Head of Research and Development, MCT
Sayika Seidler
Manager Engineering, MCT

10 minutes